**Please NOTE the price discounts for orders postmarked by 1/1/96 ** Guitar Professor (GP) is a fun and revolutionized guitar instruction software. GP creates an active learning environment where the power of the audio/visual and music notation techniques are utilized in teaching guitar and music skills. The teaching philosophy behind GP is learning through participation. It is a well known fact that the best way to learn music is to play with a good musician. However, since this is not always possible, guitar professor provides an opportunity for everyone to bring home their own instructor at a minimal charge. By using GP, users will learn new music and guitar skills and more importantly improve their timing and rhythm. In summary, GP allows you to: (i) learn all popular scales in all keys, (ii) learn new songs (Pro Option), (iii) learn to read music, (iv) tune your guitar, (v) use a Metronome. This instructional software is designed to work with the student in a step by step process at their own pace. GP will complement other existing teaching methods and will allow the user to excel fast. GP can be used alone or in conjunction with any other teaching method. Guitar Professor is ideal for students who need to improve their knowledge of scales, their timing and their basic guitar skills. Guitar Professor Pro however is more suitable for more seasoned guitar players who are working on learning new songs and also improving their music reading skills. Price Information: Guitar Professor GP-2.1 $28.50 Guitar Professor GP-2.1 Pro $38.50 Guitar Professor will be sold at a discounted price for all orders postmarked by January 1st, 1996. Price Information for orders Postmarked by 1/1/1996: Guitar Professor GP-2.1 $19.95 Guitar Professor GP-2.1 Pro $29.95 Please add $5.00 shipping and handling for US orders and $7.75 for foreign orders. CA residents add 8.25 % sales tax. To order, please send your check or money-order in US funds, or Visa/Mastercard number with expiration date to: ProByte Co. Orders Department 9899 Santa Monica Blvd. #431 Beverly Hills, California 90212-2543 Fax: (310) 323-9955